
Wednesday March 20, 2019

Warm up:

Run or row 250 meters

Then, 3 rounds of:

10 shoulder stretch

10 push ups

10 abmat sit ups

10 back extensions

10 squats


CFEC Total

Bench press and power clean 5-3-1-1-1-1

Max rep pull ups

Max rep dips



5 pull ups

10 push ups

15 squats

AMRAP 20 minutes

Tuesday March 19, 2019



Alternating dumbbell snatches (50/35)


AAB Calories

12 minute cap.

2 minutes rest.


Run 800 meters



Box jumps (20 inch)

Ball slams (25/15)

V ups

For time.  15 minute cap.

Monday March 18, 2019

"CrossFit Total"

3 attempts at your 1 rm

Back squat

Shoulder press



Thursday March 14, 2019

Warm up:

Run or row 250 meters

Then, 3 rounds of:

10 shoulder stretch

10 push ups

10 v ups

10 good mornings

10 prisoner lunge steps


Bench press 5-3-1-1-1-1

30 dips


100 meter prowler push (45/35)

15 dumbbell bench press (50/35)

12 strict toes to bar

9 kettle bell rows per side (70/45)

AMRAP 23 minutes

Wednesday March 13, 2019

Warm up:

Run or row 250 meters

Then, 3 rounds of:

10 figure 8 stretch

10 chin ups

10 abmat sit ups

10 back extensions

10 squats


Deadlifts 5-3-1-1-1-1-1

Straight leg deadlifts or good mornings 3x10


Run 1 mile AFAHP

2 minutes rest

Then, 10 down to 1:

Deadlifts (225/145)

Bar facing burpees

Ball slams (40/25)

Post mile time and total time.

Tuesday March 12, 2019


Shoulder press 5-3-1-1-1-1


18 minute EMOM

M1:  5 power clean to overhead (135/95)

M2:  10/8 AAB calories

M3:  15 kettle bell swings (53/35)

Must complete all 6 rounds for RX

Monday March 11, 2019

Warm up:

Run or row 250 meters

Then, 3 rounds of:

10 figure 8 stretch

10 strict pull ups

10 abmat sit ups

10 back extensions

10 squats


Back squats 5-3-1-1-1-1


Run 250 meters with slosh pipe (45/35)

8 rope grip pull ups

8 back squats (185/135)

8 jumping lunges (alternating legs)

16 sledge hammer swings (16/10)

5 rounds for time.

25 minute cap.

Tuesday January 8, 2019

Warm up:

Run or row 250 meters

Then, 3 rounds of:

10 shoulder stretch

10 close grip push ups

10 ghd sit ups

10 good mornings

10 prisoner lunge steps


Shoulder press 5x5


Run 800 meters

Then, AMRAP of:

10 shoulder press (95/65)

10 jumping lunge steps (5 per side)

1 caving ladder climb

Run 200 meters

18 minutes

Post 800m time and AMRAP time.

Monday January 7, 2019

Warm up:

Run or row 250 meters

Then, 3 rounds of:

10 figure 8 stretch

10 strict pull ups

10 abmat sit ups

10 back extensions

10 squats


Back squats 5x5


10-20-30 meter shuttle run

5 L pull ups

8 burpees

11 box jumps (20 inch)

14 back squats (135/95)

4 rounds for time.

Tuesday December 18, 2018

Warm up:

Run or row 250 meters

Then, 3 rounds of:

10 figure 8 stretch

10 chin ups

10 ghd sit ups

10 good mornings

10 squats


Deadlifts 1x10 warm up set, 3x10 or 3x12-15 working sets


8 chest to bar pull ups

10 double reverse grip deadlifts (185/135)

12 lateral burpees

50 meter prowler push (60/45)

5 rounds for time

Must complete 2x250 meter farmers carry at some time during WOD M(70/70) W(53/53)

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